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Sharper - European Researchers' Night


Antica Proietteria | Alessandro Grisendi | Marco Noviello

Sharper – European Researchers’ Night – Perugia (IT) 2016 – If you could become a hero for a day, what kind of hero would you be? One that fights cancer or global warming, prevents hunger or drought, invents devices to counteract handicaps, dreams about making human life possible in space..? The European Researchers’ Night invites you to meet the heroes of science; that is to say, the researchers from different disciplines whose fascinating work can change our lives. All the events will take place – simultaneously – on Friday 30 September, in over 250 cities across Europe and neighbouring countries.

WebSite European Researchers’ Night

CONCEPT:  Antica Proietteria
ILLUSTRATION: Adriano Vessichelli
3D EFFECTS & COMPOSITING: Marco Noviello/Alessandro Grisendi
VOICE: Karen Righi